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Let's find out about Lingual Matrix...


Welcome to Lingualmatrix


The concept of LINGUALMATRIX is the brainchild of Dr.Pravin Shetty and Dr. Manjul Jain, which will enable orthodontists to practice lingual orthodontics in a more scientific and efficient manner.After years of innovative & unprecedented thinking,we are able to conceptualize a truly world class digital lingual orthodontic bracket system using systems and software from around the world.


Concept & Technology


LINGUALMATRIX is the first and only system in the world that involves fully digital processYour treatment plan starts with 3D scanning of u/I models using 5 – axis optical white light scanner, Thereafter, LINGUALMATRIX moves each tooth to its ideal position either virtually / manually.LINGUALMATRIX software produces a cad model of lingual bracket with a customized base. Which undergoes a very precise manufacturing process using avant-grade laser sintering machine to manufacture a customized single piece 3D lingual bracket that adapts seamlessly to the shape and contour of the teeth.The automation & digitization of the entire system assures the perfect finish and smile we all endeavor, with minimum physical and mental fatigue.This system will revolutionize the art of treating lingual patients where a single piece customized bracket fits perfectly on to the teeth,allowing us in direct bonding and rebonding of detached brackets.


Salient FeaturesLMX – Benefits


LINGUALMATRIX offers on of the most economical CAD/CAM based customized bracket in the world.A single piece 3D lingual bracket system with customized base.A State of the art manufacturing process from virtual setup to lasr sintered 3D barckets.Choice of using straight arch to mushroom shapd archwire - as per the demand from orthodontists.Horizontal slot opening for better bio-mechanical control.Add or delete hooks on brackets as per your requirement.No need to worry about missing / lost bracket - LINGUALMATRIX can reprint your bracket at any point of time with prescription.Ease of re-bonding due to single piece metal bracket.LASER etched marketing system for easy indentification.Versatility of using different forms, features and sizes of brackets as pr the occlusion and requirement of the case.


Lingualmatrix Advantages.Why Lingualmatrix??


Lingualmatrix has revolutionizd the way of treating lingual patients, and also evolved the concept of straight wire lingual appliance.Lingualmatrix tchnology uses state of the art 3D scanning process, and rapid prototyping technology to manufacture a precise one-piec 3D mtal bracket, which perfectly fits onto the tooth surface thus enable orthodontist to directly bond and rebond brackets onto the tooth surface and use straight wire as a ideal choice of wire for various stages of treatment mechanics.Lingualmatrix is one of the 1st cad/cam based customized bracket system which is conceptualized and developed in India.With th advnt of Lingualmatrix, the frequent problem of debonding, problem of loose and lost bracket has been resolved.What is the the advantage of Lingualmatrix ovr othr manual technique like HIRO, TARG,LBG ??Lingual matrix has many advantags as compare to the any availabl manual technique used to customizd base :1. Th manual technique uses composite material for customizing base hence enhance the chances of debonding at various interface.2. We can't use different of bracket shape and form in manual technique.3. The thickness of bracket is invariably more in manual technique.4. Once the resin customized brackets [manual] debonds you need to again customize the bracket in manual setup while in lingualmatrix you can just sandblast and use the same bracket [direct bonding].5. Any case of lost bracket, in manual technique you need to buy a entire set of bracket while lingualmatrix can manufacture a single bracket and send it across.6. In manual technique we can't add or delete hooks, bite planes as per requirement, while lingualmatrix offer the versatility of using hooks or biteplanes.What type of arch form can I use with Lingualmatrix??Lingualmatrix uses th concept of preformed straight wire thus resolving th issue related to bencding of wire and making life easy for orthodontist.How lingualmatrix benefit the patient in comparison with manual technique??Lingualmatrix has one of the smallest bracket head design with round surface thus enhance the comfort to the patient.The bonding base is large enough so there is less incidence of debonding. WIth lingualmatrix you can bond the rotated teeth in early stage of treatment as the lingualmatrix technology can provide off-center base for early bonding whcih hasten the treatment.Lingualmatrix places the barcket more gingivally, so there is less interference on biting and less opening of bite.How beneficial lingualmatrix is for the working Orthodontist??Orthodontist need not worry of missing or loose bracket, as thy can use the same bracket for re-bonding without customizing it in th laboratory.The Arch form is straight so there is no need to bend the wire thus reduced the chair side time.The same bracket can be reuse by the orthodontist in case there is relapse after debonding.


Services for Doctors.


LINGUALMATRIX fully adapts to suit the requirements and philosophies of each orthodontists.LINGUALMATRIX is designed to work with you to achieve the highest level of patient treatment and comfort, as efficiently as possible.


STEP 1 : TREATMENT PLANNINGSYou, as an Orthodontist play an important role for the success of LINGUALMATRIX.A good U/L rubber based impression with all details, along with thorough treatment plan recommending the need for extraction / non – extraction / slendarization has to be executed by you.


STEP 2 : PRODUCTION AT LINGUALMATRIX The precise rubber base impression or a poured model is scanned using a 5 axis optical white light scanner. This digital 3D models is used for virtual / manual set up. The proprietary cad cam lingual matrix software generates a customized lingual bracket engineered to fit according to the lingual morphology of each tooth, hence delivering the ultimate aesthetic solution just for your patient.


STEP 3 : BONDINGThe bonding appointment begins with a preparation of tooth surface. LINGUALMATRIX system uses full tray system or individual single tooth tray system for bonding purpose. LINGUALMATRIX surface treats the bracket base to achieve excellent bonding.


STEP 4 : WIRE PLACEMENTLINGUALMATRIX uses standardized lingual archwires available off the shelf in the market allowing ease of procuring broken or lost archwires.STEP 5 : SUPPORTLINGUALMATRIX will provide training, courses and full support from start to finish of cases. LINGUALMATRIX System allows reprinting of Missing / Lost Brackets(Provide us the case and tooth no.)



Impression take procedure

Indirect Bonding Procedure

Management Of Patients

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